TMA was started with 15 members and Mr.Sacharia Joseph as President, Mr.P.I.Jose as the Secretary, Mr.K.P.Bhasheer Haji as the Joint Secretary, and Mr.Jimmy Iype Tholathu as the Tressurer were elected during the first meeting.
This association work for the welfare of the Tall people. TMA had submitted a memorandum to the government for a favourable solution for the difficulties faced by the tall men like re arranging the height, distance between the seats of the different Transport vehicles such as bus, train, etc., to make sure of the availability of suitable footwear, readymade dresses etc for the tall people, special priority has to be given in the recruitments to Army and Local PoliceMore encouragements has to be given to Tall people in Sports activities.
An executive force formed by the Tall Men Association of Kerala is looking out for people with a minimum height of six feet and above to join there force as show guards to manage huge crowds in star hotels, theme parties, matrimonial services for the tall men and women and disaster management groups,.

The Executive Force of theTMA now has 75 guards. The basic qualification required to join it is height. The association, which undertakes social service, was formed in 1999 in Thrissur. Later, it was registered as a charitable trust. Layju, who is now working as a supervisor with the TMA Executive Force, said: “I am very happy to be associated with this force as I have tried various of jobs with my plus two qualification, but finally got this due to my height.”
“We can easily get control over huge crowds because of our height, we can very easily, watch movements of public who create problem from far off, so I think my height is an added advantage to me and my profession,” adds Umesh K., a senior show guard.
“With my qualification I have tried out many jobs, but was not satisfied with the work. But after joining the Executive Force of TMA, I like it a lot and I am getting a very good income from this as it is a part time job we have to work for hardly three to four hours. Now, our force is getting a good response from across Kerala and getting huge orders for show guards,” said Lyju.P., a supervisor. Most of the members are not only satisfied, but also very comfortable with their height.Saju Wadakkan, an event manager, says he is always on the look out for tall men because they are able to use their height to keep huge crowds in control.
“Whenever I organize a big show I always look out for the Executive Force as I have full faith over them because they can attract and control crowds with their height and their dress is very visible from far off places,” Wadakkan said. TMA President George K. says that plans are afoot to bring the usefulness of tall men within the state government’s periphery, so as to enhance their scope of work and benefits thereof. (ANI)