About Us
Tall Men Association is formed for the people within and outside Kerala who has a height of 6 Feet or more.The minimum requirement to become a member of Tall Men Association is a height of at least 6ft. or 183 cm.
TMAEF is well administered and maintained. We have a Director at the top and District Captains in various Districts, followed by Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors. The beginner’s cadre is Guard. TMA has District Committees and a State Committee elected purely on democratic lines.11 member State Committee elects the State President, Secretary, Treasurerer Current State Committee
Tall Men Association is formed for the people within and outside Kerala who has a height of 6 Feet or more.The minimum requirement to become a member of Tall Men Association is a height of at least 6ft. or 183 cm. Any one who posses a height of 6 ft. can take a membership in TMA and has to abide by the rules and regulations set by the bilo.Today, we have got members from all districts of Kerala.
The Tall Men Association was organized on 15th May 1999 by Mr.Sacharia Joseph. There are people who have differenet types of difficulties because of their big height.to bring these problems to the notice of the Government and to organise meetings and to build up a social network and togetherness among the tall people. TMA was registered as a Trust on 15th May 1999 with Reg.No:469199.15.05.1999.
We work for the social efficient.So we do all type of charity works.We helped THe flood-affected Regions this year and last year.We Motivate Our Workers Be A Good Person In The Social So We Gave Them Motivation Classes To Make Them A Good Person With Good Personality.
Our Team
Tall Men News
TMA is being known as the first organization in the world, made up for bringing up togetherness among the Tall people around the world.